Design Assistance

Design Assistance

The best quality coating on a particular product or successful project does not happen by accident. Proper design and fabrication lead to these successes. Metalplateā€™s highly trained sales staff can work with you to help ensure that your material is suitable for hot-dip galvanizing.

* Our Staff would be glad to assist you by evaluating your drawings and making suggestions on proper placement of ventilation holes, cropped corners, bracing etc. to help in the galvanizing process.

* If you are designing a new product and are thinking about having that product hot-dip galvanized, please give us a call to assist you in the development of the product. Adjustments may need to be made on the fabrication end to ensure that the item is suitable for hot-dip galvanizing.

By contacting Metalplate on the front end of the project, you can optimize turnaround time, minimize costs, clarify expectations and get a quality hot-dip galvanized job.

In addition to Metalplate's ability to facilitate your Design Assistance, the AGA publishes documents on this topic such as:

Recommended Details for Hot-Dip Galvanized Structures

Design Guide